Our proud

10 years of undefeated success

We have come a long and proud way. It may not seem like a lot, but if you consider our manpower, working hours, materials, planning and correlating all that involved in completing each separate project, then our productivity is immense!

20 +

Projects Successfully Finished.

60k sqm +

Area of land built-up

10 +

Years of experience with pride

20 +

Colleagues & counting more

Our Services

Quality Services


We specialise in building Residential and Commercial Structures., Renovation Maintenance, Alterations and Refurbishment


With over 10 years of experience, we supervise from conception through completion.

Easy Steps Working Process​

Working Process 1


Working Process 2


Working Process 3


Working Process 4


SUSTAINABILITY Committed to eco-friendly development

We recognize the impact of construction on our environment, so we take every necessary step needed to minimize pollution.

We are best in the field


Project on time

Modern Tech

Latest Design

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    Yes, we do. We offer flexible payment plans, depending on how far along the project is. The sooner you key in the more flexible the plan.

    Dead of Assignment, Survey plan and Form 1C to perfect the title.

    Fully fitted Italian Kitchen, Air Conditioning Units, Washing Machines, 24/7 Security, 24/7 Electricity

    Your Trusted Construction Partner

    Let us work together to build Africa one project at a time.

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